


Sharda Rogell kenndi kyrrðarvöku á vordögum 2015, 2016 og 2017.

Sharda Rogell has been practising and teaching Buddhist insight meditation for over 30 years and is currently on the Teacher Council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in northern California near her home. She has been influenced by many different spiritual traditions, including her root teacher, H. W. L. Poonja, during her many trips to India. Sharda is also a student of A. H. Almaas in the Diamond Heart School.


Yanai May2016

Yanai Postelnik kennir kyrrðarvöku vorið 2018.

Yanai Postelnik has been a student and practitioner of Insight Meditation and the dharma teachings of the Buddha for most of his adult life. He has been teaching and leading retreats full-time for 25 years in Europe,  USA,  Asia, the Middle East and  Australasia. Yanai is a member of the guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House in Devon England, and a core faculty member of Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts.  His teaching is inspired by many practice traditions including the Forest tradition of Thailand, and his love of the natural world. Yanai grew up in New Zealand and now lives with his wife, in Devon, England.



Ásta Arnardóttir leiðir hugleiðslu á þriðjudögum.

Hún hefur stundað hugleiðslu frá 1997 og kennt yoga frá 1999. Hún rekur Yogavin og kennir þar yoga, hugleiðslu, yogakennaranám og ýmis námskeið. Hún er stofnfélagi Félags um vipassana hugleiðslu og hefur haldið kyrrðarvökur frá 2010 þar sem fléttað er saman núvitund, yoga og djúpslökun.