Á döfinni

Dagskrá haust 2024

Núvitund hugleiðslukvöld  þriðjudaga kl. 20.00 – 21.30 í Yogavin, Grensásvegi 16, Reykjavík

hefjast 3. september!

3. sept. Saman í kyrrðinni með Ástu
10. sept. – 8. okt Four foundations of mindfulness with Nicole

15. – 29. okt Metta hugleiðsla með Ástu og Finnboga
5. – 26. nóv Meiri iðkun minna mas með Ástu, Sólveigu, Nicole ofl.
3. des. Saman í kyrrðinni með Ástu
10. des. Hugleiðsluboð hugguleg kvöldstund með mat og möntrum

Dana – frjáls framlög (sjá nánar hér)


Kyrrðardagar – fyrsta sunnudag í hverjum mánuði kl. 8.00 – 14.00 í Yogavin, Grensásvegi 16, Reykjavík

6. október Embracing Balance með Nicole og Ástu


The seasons turn, our bodies shift, life’s circumstances ebb and flow. Amidst this constant change, uncertainty and imbalance can arise. During this silent day, we offer ourselves the gift of stillness—a chance to calm our nervous system and to simply be rather than do. With curiosity and kindness, we’ll listen to our inner world and find connection in the shared practice of meditation.

Nicole Keller and Ásta Arnardóttir will be providing guidance and the day will be held in English.


8.00 Welcome

8.10  Mindful movement

8.50  Relaxation

9.00 Guided meditation – compassion and gratitude

9.30 Tea

9.45  Silent meditation

10.30 Walking meditation

10.45 Talk – four elements of balance

11.15 Guided meditation – equanimity

11.45 Light lunch (mindful eating practice)

12:15 Mindful movement

12.30 Silent meditation

13.15 Walking meditation

13.30 Mantras and Metta

14.00 End

A light lunch is provided; no need to come with anything other than your whole self, and comfortable clothes.

Thanks for registering here so that we know how much food to prepare 🙏

Dana / donations (suggested amount 3.000-10.000) (here you can read more about the beautiful tradition of Dana)

3. nóvember Máttur kærleikans með Finnboga og Ástu

Nánari upplýsingar siðar.

1. desember Meiri iðkun minna mas með Nicole, Ásta og Ragnar

Nánari upplýsingar siðar.


Mindfulness meditation course: Saturdays 7., 14., 21. and 28 september 10.00 – 11.30 in Yogavin, Grensásvegi 16, Reykjavík

Screenshot 2024-08-17 220832

Teacher: Nicole Keller

As the summer winds down and we transition back to the rhythm of work, study, or daily routines, it’s easy to feel pulled in different directions. The days grow shorter, the weather shifts, and the demands of “normal life” return. Amidst this change, how can we cultivate a sense of inner peace and equanimity?

Mindfulness meditation offers a powerful path. By cultivating present-moment awareness, we free ourselves from the burdens of the past or anxieties about the future, allowing us to fully engage with the here and now. Through this practice, we develop clarity, discerning what lies within our control and what doesn’t, ultimately fostering a balanced perspective on life’s challenges.

This 4-week class is an opportunity to learn or deepen essential mindfulness practices, including:

  • Mindful Movement: Gentle exercises to ground yourself in the present moment

  • Concentration Practices: Techniques to strengthen your focus and attention

  • Cultivating Kindness and Compassion: Practices to nurture self-acceptance and compassion for others

No prior meditation experience is necessary. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this class welcomes you to explore the transformative power of mindfulness in cultivating equanimity and balance,  reclaiming your inner peace and navigating life’s transitions with greater ease and grace.

Price: 15.900 isk. Includes one month open pass in Yogavin

More information and registration: Click here


Kyrrðarvaka  22. – 27. maí 2025 
Insight Meditation and Qi Gong með Jaya Rudgard

Nánari upplýsingar hér
